Saturday, August 2, 2008 9:00 AM
Located at the
Carroll County Fairgrounds
1 mile north of
Berryville at the junction of 21 & 221.
Fire King Jadeite green swirl bowl set of 5, including 5" bowl (r); Jadeite refrigerator dish; 1920's Jadeite towel bar; Turquoise bowl; purple Carnival glass pitcher w/glasses; candy dishes; fruit bowls; several pieces of McCoy: Milk Glass punch bowl set; 1940's primary colors bowl set; 1940's matching primary color refrigerator dish set of 4 w/lids; 1930's green pitcher; 1940's sugar bowl; butter dish; juice reamer; 2 1930's rolling pins; box of Jadeite saucers; Hodges flour sifter: 3 green restaurant mugs; white swirl bowl; orange juice pitcher; blue ball-type pitcher; yellow pitcher; red granite pitcher; vintage cookie-candy jar w/original red knob lid; blue bubble glass meat platter; 2 blue larger bubble glass bowls; silverware napkin caddy; 1920's & 30's needlecraft magazines; 1940's-50's children's books; 3 vintage hat boxes; 5 vintage pieces of rhinestone jewelry; 2 decks of vintage playing cards; vintage baskets; vintage fan; 3 RCA record holders w112 vintage 33 1/3 records in each; 1940's Walt Disney children's 'See & Listen" record books (includes rare small book); 45's of Snow White, Cinderella, Peter & the Wolf, Pinocchio, rare large book; 33 1/3 of Snow White, Cinderella, Robin Hood; Bambi, Johnny Appleseed; old picture frames; large bag of vintage buttons; box of tatting thread w/tatters pull; mint-condition Brownie camera w/flash; old Avon bottles; jewelry (Avon and costume); ceramic decanters; 5 quilts; quilt top: Chenille bedspread; 6 embroidered table runners (several vintage); embroidered & crocheted cotton pillow; sets of dish towels (some have original tags -- all 1940's in mint condition); crocheted hankies; vintage kits: 10 1930's Dresden plate quilt blocks; set of bark cloth curtains; 1930's barkcloth floor pillow; 1930's-40's-50's tablecloths: 9 flour sacks; crochet thread rolls; cow collectibles
Couch; love seat; end tables; 2 rocker recliners; Queen-size mattress w/boxspring; 35 MM camera; microwave; computer tower w/windows 98; 2 printers; roll-top desk; small kitchen appliances; desk; shelves; glassware; office chair; stemware; knives; bedding; duffel bags; boom box: books; large lot of kitchen items
7 hp & 5 hp engines; Johnson 3 hp outboard; hand tools; walker: shower seat; state-of-the-art wheelchair: state-of-the-art walker w/seat & brakes
AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Note the starting time. This sale has a lot of nice items.
Remember-the starting time is 9:00 a.m.
TERMS & CONDITIONS: Cash or approved check w/proper I.D.
We accept credit and/or debit cards (MasterCard, Visa & Discover)!

All announcements day of auction supersede all previous announcements.
We are not responsible for accidents or loss of items. Nothing can be removed until paid for.
Remember, we just might be your solution to your situation. Personal property, commercial, business, estates, farms and real estate of all kinds.
Randy Williams
Call for Real Estate Auction
245 CR 439 Berryville, AR 72616
AALB# 1504
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For more information call Williams Auction Service
Cell (870-654-3561) or (870-423-6377) |