Saturday, November 15, 2008
10:00 AM
Located 1 miles north of Berryville at the jct. of
Hwy. 21 & 221 Carroll County Fairgrounds

1997 Chevy 4 X 4 1/2 T - 40,000 miles on motor, 20,000 miles on transmission; B21 Kubota backhoe (good condition); 16 ft. bumper trailer (has dovetail & ramps); Rascal electric scooter (a nice scooter for the handicapped); plow; post hole auger; threepoint scoop; outdoor fountains; 10 ft. ladder; 20 ft. extension ladder; wood cart; Oregon weather alert; double tubs; hand dolly; 2 Toyoset kerosene heaters; can of kerosene; inflatable canoe w/paddles; 3-6 ft. storage racks; 2-3 ft. storage racks; wheelbarrow; wagon; weed eater; leaf blower; grill; car cover; metal dog kennel; fire extinguisher; hammock; 3-door openers; flower pots
Wooden quilt rack; camel back truck; antique hutch; 2 headboard sets; chest of drawers; dresser; dart game; bobbin winder; antique rocker; round table; 6 ft. glass table wI 6 chairs; 4 ice cream chairs; Olympus camera w/extras; Sony movie camera; 2 bar stools; large fur throw; pressure cooker; fan; large area rug; Capodemonte 18 in. vase; lamps; tricycle; metal stagecoach w/metal wheels; lantern; small desk; rustic boxes; large cast iron roasting pan; old gold Dixie iron; bedding; kitchen items; oak cabinet; 2 TV's; 2 exercise machines; card table w14 chairs; several crystal pieces; several old pictures (including Maxfield Perish); lots of 1800 books; vintage scrapbooks; old bottles and jars; DVD, VCR tapes, CD's; home decor; Christmas lights and decorations; lots of miscellaneous.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE This is a limited list and remember Christmas is just round the corner. You might just find some of the items you need!
Remember-the starting time is 10:00 a.m.
*TERMS & CONDITIONS: Cash or approved check w/proper I.D.
We accept credit and/or debit cards (MasterCard, Visa & Discover)!

All announcements day of auction supersede all previous announcements.
We are not responsible for accidents or loss of items. Nothing can be removed until paid for.
Remember, we just might be your solution to your situation. Personal property, commercial, business, estates, farms and real estate of all kinds.
Randy Williams
245 CR 439 Berryville, AR 72616
AALB# 1504
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For more information call Williams Auction Service
Cell (870-654-3561) or (870-423-6377) |